Simple Gardening Ideas for Beginners

Perhaps you live in the city and don’t have much room other than for a hanging basket or flower pot, or perhaps you just don’t have the time to have a big garden. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a huge garden or even raised beds to have fresh vegetables in the summer.

Growing vegetables is quite similar to growing flowers from making sure they get enough sunlight, watering to pruning.

Cherry Tomatoes

Full of vitamin C, great for blood pressure and the heart.

If you love hanging baskets and tomatoes then you might just want to try growing hanging tomato plants. Because the tomato plants are hanging and not touching the ground you don’t have to worry about creating a cage or trellis for them to grow up. Plant one tomato plant per hanging basket, hang it in the sun, water often and in a couple months enjoy your delicious fresh tomatoes!

Fresh Chives

Delicious on loaded baked potatoes.

If you’re wanting fresh herbs and beautiful flowers than Chives are just the right combination for you! These plants look absolutely beautiful in flower pots on a porch, perfect for a micro gardener.

Lettuce Baskets

Easy to grow and maintain, lettuce baskets make a beautiful foliage to your porch as well as your dinner table.

Pepper Pots

A small 7-8 inch pot is perfect for growing a pepper plant and makes a nice addition to your end table.

Cucumber Curtain

Looking for some privacy from the neighbors? Try attaching heavy twine from your porch ceiling to stakes in the ground and plant cucumbers around the bottom. When the plants start growing wind their tendrils around the twin, and soon you will have a cucumber curtain!

Growing your own healthy, nutritious vegetables is good for the body and mind. If you’re looking to grow organic vegetables than check out this link for SeedsNow They have many different organic options as well as starter kits for beginners.

Needing any garden tools? Here is a link for a very helpful all purpose gardening kit from Amazon.

Whether you are growing your food in a large garden or hanging baskets it is something that everyone can do and get enjoyment from!


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